
This video discusses all the details behind how we plant our alfalfa fields. When planting alfalfa there is a lot to be considered. From what time of year to plant, to the depth of the seeds and the equipment used.
High-quality alfalfa hay requires precise timing during harvest. Factors such as moisture, leaf retention, and nutrient balance determine its value. Proper storage and feeding strategies help maximize its benefits for cattle, ensuring both economic efficiency and animal health.
Instead of using commercial fertilizers, we rely on natural compost from hog and cow manure. Hog manure is rich in phosphorus, while cow manure provides balanced nutrients. By composting, we improve soil quality, reduce reliance on synthetic inputs, and ensure long-term sustainability for our fields.
Cattle play an important role in the carbon cycle. They convert plants, which absorb carbon dioxide, into protein, making them an efficient part of the ecosystem. By raising cattle on pasture, we minimize transportation emissions and maintain a sustainable beef production system.